2 months on...

Created by Jacqueline 6th November 2020 This event has closed


Hi, We'd just like to say thank you for all the donations, prayers, thoughts and kind messages that we've received over the past 2 months since Gramps'/tony's passing. We'd just quickly like to update on a few things that are happening; -Tony is getting a bench in his honour at the Army Lawn Tennis Association, as organised by Rhiannon alongside Bill Hurlihy. This will be unveiled next June at their 100th anniversary celebration. I will post out more details when I can! - We will be holding an actual service and funeral of both Gerry and Tony's ashes in November, date to be decided. Hopefully by then everyone can come and we can have the proper send off Tony deserves. -We have raised nearly £1300 for SSAFA - so thank you for that. If anyone has any memories, photos or anything else to do with tony, please send them onto rhiannonthefaut@gmail.com or jacquelinet16@yahoo.co.uk - Rhiannon is going to put a book together of all the stories we can collect!
